
Edward James

Edward James and his Guide - Hadrian - the Macaw. From this great post here.

Las Pozas ("the Pools") is a sculpture garden built by James, more than 2,000 feet above sea level, in a tropical rain forest in the mountains of Mexico. It includes more than 80 acres of natural waterfalls and pools interlaced with towering Surrealist sculptures in concrete.

I originally saw this garden on 'Around the World in 80 Gardens'. I loved that show. No wonder I get teased for my granny tastes. Anyway, it reminds me of Paronella Park in North Queensland.


Alexander Calder

"To most people who look at a mobile, it's no more than a series of flat objects that move. To a few, though, it may be poetry."

I saw a retrospective of his at the Miro Foundation in Barcelona when I was 19. There were early films of his mobiles and his studio and his circus. It was one of my first moments when I found it hard to leave the gallery, I was there for hours.

Anyway, these from the home of Alexander Calder. A little bit of a dream house.

Eileen Agar

It began here. More here. Eileen Agar. I love her numbers shirt.



Shimenawa. Shinto. Another reason to love Japan, the wedded rocks.


Renilde Depeuter

Renilde Depeuter from Antwerp. Gorgeous needlework. I LOVE these. And would like to live with those harlequins and little people.
At Swim – Two Birds. And here.


Folding and sorting

Some Clothes to sort. Guerra de la Paz, Christian Boltanski and Derick Melander.



Here’s a nice collection of three vintage Knock Down Dolls or Punks from a Carnival or Circus. All 3 characters have their own personality— all double sided and retain their original wood bases.

Via Accidental Mysteries.


ALL swank Dollar

Annie Larson of ALL is obviously alright by me. Crazy coloured knit cotton goodness of my geometric multi-clashing dreams. Waaaah. Of course I want some. I will just have to settle to watching from afar just now.


Louise Bourgeois

Louise Bourgeois 1911 - 2010

Bourgeois last exhibition in Venice (2010) I'd love to go. Oh well.

From 5 June to 19 September an exhibition entitles "Fabric Drawings" opens in Venice at the Fondazione Emilio e Annabianca Vedova. Presenting the work of Louise Bourgeois, it has been curated by Germano Celant in collaboration with Jerry Gorovoy of the Studio Bourgeois, New York and is the last exhibition in which she was actively involved. On show in the Venetian space, in an architectural setting designed to house drawings and sculptures, will be her almost unknown output of works made out of fabric, such as the rich series of her Fabric Drawings, created between 2002 and 2008, and the light presence of her Cells, like Conscious and Unconscious, 2008. Bourgeois passed away from a heart attack on May 31, 2010.



Photographs by Phyllis Galembo. Via but does it float care of Cookie Burrows. Thanks Cooks!


Adam Cruickshank

Opening: June 3, 2010. 6pm – 8pm
West Space, Lvl 1, 15-19 Anthony Street, Melbourne.



Elisa Strozyk

Wooden Textiles 2009-2010

The world around us is becoming increasingly immaterial. We are now used to write emails instead of letters, to pay online, to download music and touch virtual buttons on touch screens. We live in a society of images, a visual culture full of colours, advertisements, television and the internet. There is not much left to feel. Giving importance to surfaces that are desirable to touch can reconnect us with the material world and enhance the emotional value of an object.
“Wooden Textiles” convey a new tactile experience. We are used to experience wood as a hard material, we know the feeling of walking across wooden floors, to touch a wooden tabletop or to feel the bark of a tree. But we usually don’t experience a wooden surface which can be manipulated by touch.
